Re: [aha] Female Power & Military Whistleblowing - Roma, 5 M…

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Author: List
To: List on artistic activism and net culture
Subject: Re: [aha] Female Power & Military Whistleblowing - Roma, 5 Marzo
Fantastico, complimenti Tatiana!!!
Grazie per la condivisione, lo seguirò con gran piacere.

Un caro saluto e a presto


> On 4 Mar 2025, at 09:34, Tatiana Bazzichelli <tbazz@???> wrote:
> ...aggiungo che l'intervento sarà anche in streaming per coloro che non possano essere a Roma domani. Ecco il link:
> link
> Per sapere di più, e' appena uscita una mia intervista su NERO:
> Il tutto sarà in inglese, dato che la John Cabot è un’università americana.
> Cari saluti, e spero di vedervi :)
> Tatiana
> On 04.03.25 09:48, Tatiana Bazzichelli wrote:
>> Salve a tutt*,
>> Vi giro l'invito e sarò felice di vedervi domani (5 Marzo) se siete a Roma.
>> A presto,
>> Tatiana
>> ..................
>> The Department of Communication and Media Studies at JCU welcomes *Tatiana
>> Bazzichelli* for a lecture titled *Female Power & Military Whistleblowing* ,
>> part of the Spring 2025 edition of the event series Digital Delights &
>> Disturbances (DDD).
>> This event will take place on *Wednesday, March 5 at 6:30pm* in the *Aula
>> Magna Regina (Guarini Campus, Via della Lungara 233).*
>> Military whistleblowing is one of the most difficult ways to expose
>> wrongdoing and inform the public of unknown facts that need to be revealed.
>> It is an act based on ethics, honesty and accountability that stands up to
>> abuse, oppression and exploitation. Whistleblowers are people who want to
>> change systems for the better, but who often face retaliation and
>> persecution. Inspired by the courageous acts of female military
>> whistleblowers and truth-tellers in bringing war crimes, misconduct and
>> social injustice to public attention, Tatiana Bazzichelli's presentation
>> will focus on the importance of building networks of trust in the context
>> of national security whistleblowing. She will discuss the impact of the
>> work of Chelsea Manning, Lisa Ling and Reality Winner (among others) and
>> relate it to the effects of truth-telling in an often male-dominated field
>> such as the military. Their stories will be linked to other powerful
>> activities in the field of warfare developed by women in the arts, media
>> and journalism who are working to denounce war crimes.
>> *Tatiana BazzichelliFounder & Director, Disruption Network Lab*
>> Tatiana Bazzichelli is the founder and director of Disruption Network Lab,
>> a Berlin-based nonprofit organisation that exposes the misconduct and
>> wrongdoing of the powerful, and of the Disruption Network Institute, a hub
>> of investigations on the impacts of data-driven technologies on warfare.
>> Her focus of work is whistleblowing and digital culture. She is the author
>> of the books *Whistleblowing for Change* (2021), *Networked Disruption*
>> (2013), *Disrupting Business* (2013), and *Networking *(2006). In
>> 2011-2014 she was programme curator at transmediale festival in Berlin. She
>> received a PhD degree in Information and Media Studies at the Faculty of
>> Arts of Aarhus University in Denmark in 2011. Her PhD research, *Networked
>> Disruption*, was the result of her 2009 visiting scholarship at the H-STAR
>> Institute of Stanford University. In 2012-2014 she was a postdoctoral
>> researcher at the Centre for Digital Cultures, Leuphana University
>> Lüneburg.
>> The DDD Event Series is organized and sponsored by the JCU Department of
>> Communication and Media Studies.
>> We would love to have you join us!
>> Make sure to RSVP using this link:
>> <>
> --
> Tatiana Bazzichelli // Founder & Artistic Director
> Disruption Network Lab
> Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
> Fingerprint: A87C 3637 03ED 1D1C E6FE E828 1F55 2B2F F5A5 C9A0
> --
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