Author: nullpointer Date: 2016-05-31 16:14 -000 To: hackmeeting Subject: [Hackmeeting] [Talk Proposal per conto terzi] Hacking the
unconscious physiology
Hacking the unconscious physiology
Our conscious mind controls huge part of our motor and verbal activity,
however sometimes human physiology fails and we end up with stress &
diseases. There is huge billion medical industry which makes from human
"the vegetable" by prescribing drugs. However there are other ways of
managing human physiology. We know a bit about meditation & Kung fu
practices, but there is much more. I will be touching upon the
historical scientific studies of hacking the unconscious physiology and
sharing my current research on VR & BCI (brain-computer interface) on
this topic.
j0k (Yuri K.), PhD Brain Institute of Russian Academy of Science