[Tails-project] Linking to the donations page from release n…

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Author: intrigeri
Date: 2015-07-13 09:22 -000
To: tails-project
Subject: [Tails-project] Linking to the donations page from release notes?

when discussing the "Accept donations via micropayment systems" topic
(https://labs.riseup.net/code/issues/7151) during last monthly
meeting, we've discussed where exactly we want to add buttons linking
to Flattr. We easily agreed to add them to the donations page.
And then, discussing whether to link to Flattr from each blog post, we
ended up finding it better to link to our donations page instead,

"There are many ways contribute to Tails.
If you want to help, come talk to us!"


"There are many ways contribute to Tails, for
example by contribute/how/donate. If you want to help,
come talk to us!"

Any objection?
