[Storiaorale] CFP: Love, Sex, and War: Towards another Hist…

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Author: Alessandro Casellato
To: Sulle fonti orali e il loro utilizzo in storiografia e scienze sociali
Subject: [Storiaorale] CFP: Love, Sex, and War: Towards another History of 20th Century Europe. Workshop One: Sources for Historians of Love, Sex, and War - Paris 05/15
credo possa interessare anche chi si occupa di fonti orali (oltre chi di
amore, sessualità e guerra)
un caro saluto

> *Oggetto: **CFP: Love, Sex, and War: Towards another History of 20th
> Century Europe. Workshop One: Sources for Historians of Love, Sex, and
> War - Paris 05/15*
> *Rispondi a: *H-NET Liste fuer Sozial- und Kulturgeschichte
> <H-SOZ-U-KULT@??? <mailto:H-SOZ-U-KULT@H-NET.MSU.EDU>>
> From:    Elissa Mailänder <elissa.mailander@??? 
> <mailto:elissa.mailander@sciencespo.fr>>
> Date:    20.10.2014
> Subject: CFP: Love, Sex, and War: Towards another History of 20th
>         Century Europe. Workshop One: Sources for
>         Historians of Love, Sex, and War - Paris 05/15
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> Patrick Farges (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, CEREG); Elissa Mailänder
> (Centre d'Histoire de Sciences Po); Stefanie Schüler-Springorum (Zentrum
> für Antisemitismusforschung, TU-Berlin)
> 18.05.2015-19.05.2015, Paris, Centre d'Histoire de Sciences Po, Sciences
> Po Paris
> Deadline: 30.11.2014
> This workshop will launch a two-year research project focusing on the
> history of love, sex, and war in Europe. Historian Dagmar Herzog has
> called the 20th century "the century of sex," while Laura Lee Downs and
> Kathleen Canning consider it a time when "gender troubles" emerged. Yet,
> the 20th century also initiated greater equality between the sexes and
> increasing liberalization of sexual norms and rights. Both categories -
> gender and sexuality - profoundly shaped the last century. Two world
> wars, genocide, and other episodes of mass violence make it crucial to
> examine European societies from a social and cultural perspective and to
> ask: what role did gender and sexuality play in these events?
> War affects many aspects in the everyday lives of civilians and
> combatants. Moreover, it irrevocably alters life after the hostilities
> end. Recently, scholars (e.g. Andrew Bergerson, Jennifer Evans, and
> Christa Hämmerle) have placed particular attention to the sources
> available to examine the history of love, sex, and war. By examining key
> issues of extant sources, our first workshop will begin to peel back the
> layers of time that re-shaped scholars' conceptions of love and
> sexuality in times of war.
> The workshop aims to identify specific sources that explore emotional
> realms such as affection, desire, inhibitions, repulsion, and grief.
> Indeed, writing a history of sexuality and emotions might require the
> scholars in general, and, the workshop participants in particular, to
> interrogate other forms of evidence and employ specific methods of
> analysis. Outmoded sources can open paths to answer new questions. New
> sources can be mobilized and created, as is the case with oral
> histories. Individual accounts, including autobiographies and witness
> testimonies, are important because they provide insight into a private
> sphere that, especially in wartime, is inherently political.
> Although sources may include tangible traces of sexual practices and
> emotional responses only sporadically, they nevertheless embed the
> narrated acts into a larger socio-historical framework. This first
> workshop is will focus on exploring the range and interpretive
> possibilities of sources, including oral histories, ego-documents,
> institutional records, and (audio) visual sources.
> How do these sources expand our understanding of love, sex, and war?
> What can they tell us about the emotions and social practices? What
> theoretical implications and methodological challenges arise for
> historians engaging with those sources?
> Application: Please send your abstract (max. 500 words) and a short
> biography (max. 1 page) to elissa.mailander@???
> <mailto:elissa.mailander@sciencespo.fr> and
> patrick.farges@??? <mailto:patrick.farges@univ-paris3.fr>
> before 30 November 2014.
> We encourage PhD candidates and early career post-docs to apply for the
> workshop.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Elissa Mailänder
> Centre d'Histoire de Sciences Po, 56 rue Jacob 75006 Paris, France
> elissa.mailander@??? <mailto:elissa.mailander@sciencespo.fr>
> War affects many aspects in the everyday lives of civilians and
> combatants. Moreover, it irrevocably alters life after the hostilities
> end. Recently, scholars (e.g. Andrew Bergerson, Jennifer Evans, and
> Christa Hämmerle) have placed particular attention to the sources
> available to examine the history of love, sex, and war. By examining key
> issues of extant sources, our first workshop will begin to peel back the
> layers of time that re-shaped scholars' conceptions of love and
> sexuality in times of war.
> <http://chsp.sciences-po.fr/actualite/lovesexwar-another-history-20th-century-europe>
> URL zur Zitation dieses Beitrages
> <http://hsozkult.geschichte.hu-berlin.de/termine/id=26263>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> oder Aktualität der von unseren Nutzern beigetragenen Inhalte. Bitte
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> --

Adelisa Malena
Ricercatrice in storia moderna
Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici
Università degli studi di Venezia "Ca' Foscari"
Malcanton Marcorà - Dorsoduro 3484/D
tel. +39 041 2349855
cell. +39 3407269452