sajolida@??? wrote:
> I'm divided between:
> - Making the three choices more homogenous and making it more clear
> that there are three different paths: "guided", "advanced", and
> "default". That's my option.
> - Making it clear that the "default" path goes straight into Tails.
> That's more your option. But I thought that this was implied by "default".
> What's your opinion on this?
Following up on this we had another idea.
What about putting the language selection in a vertical column on the
left, like the Ubuntu installer does:
And use a similar horizontal dropdown for the keyboard layout.
See screenshot in attachment.
The advantages of this are:
- We get rid of the language labels for that selection.
- We have more vertical space to display more languages by default.
- We have more horizontal space to display the name of the keyboard
layouts (some are pretty long like: "Arabic (Morocco) - Berber (Morocco,
Tifinagh alternative phonetic)" (sic).