From: luisamorgantini@???
Date: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 12:12:43 +0200
To: logica@???
CC: mscriboni@???; maialkaila@???; donneinnero@???; mariella.pala@???; roma@???; info@???; actionforpeace@???; bds_italia@???; jalla@???; campagnaperlapalestina@???; carolinazincone@???; manuelapezzano@???; buddhi@???; liv.parisi@???; eleonorapochi@???
Subject: Re: [donneinnero] Fwd: Over 300 Survivors and Descendants of Survivors of Victims of the Nazi Genocide Condemn Israel’s Assault on Gaza
Ecco traduzione, nel frattempo, Stephanie di Bds ha comunicato che la lettera era già stata tradotta quando vi erano meno firma,e si trova sul sito Bds.
La novità è l'aumento delle firme e la pubblicazione oggi sul New York Times.
Luisa Morgantini
Dalle pagine del New York Times, oggi, oltre 300
sopravvissuti e discendenti dei superstiti di vittime del
genocidio nazista condannano l’assalto di Israele su Gaza.
In 327 hanno firmato questa lettera scritta in risposta alla
manipolazione di Elie Wiesel del genocidio nazista per tentare
di giustificare gli attacchi su Gaza. Traduziobne di Daniela Patrucco - AssopacePalestina La Spezia
“Come ebrei sopravvissuti
e discendenti dei sopravvissuti e delle vittime del
genocidio nazista condanniamo in modo inequivocabile il
massacro dei palestinesi a Gaza e l'attuale occupazione e la
colonizzazione della Palestina storica. Condanniamo
inoltre gli Stati Uniti che finanziano gli attacchi di
Israele, e gli stati occidentali più in generale per
l'utilizzo della loro forza diplomatica per proteggere
Israele dalla condanna. Il genocidio inizia con il silenzio
del mondo.
Siamo allarmati per l'estrema, razzista disumanizzazione
dei palestinesi nella società israeliana, che ha
raggiunto la febbre a 90°. In Israele, i politici e gli
esperti di Time of Israel e The Jerusalem Post hanno parlato
apertamente di genocidio dei palestinesi e la destra
israeliana sta adottando simboli neo-nazisti.
Inoltre, siamo disgustati e indignati per l'abuso di
Elie Wiesel della nostra storia in queste pagine [NYT ndr]
per promuovere falsità palesi, utilizzate per giustificare
l'ingiustificabile: l’enorme sforzo di Israele di
distruggere Gaza e l'uccisione di oltre 2.000 palestinesi,
tra cui centinaia di bambini. Nulla può giustificare il
bombardamento dei rifugi delle Nazioni Unite, case, ospedali
e università. Nulla può giustificare privare le persone di
energia elettrica e acqua.
Dobbiamo alzare la nostra voce collettiva e usare il
nostro potere collettivo per porre fine a tutte le forme
di razzismo, tra cui il genocidio del popolo palestinese
in corso. Chiediamo la fine immediata dell'assedio e
del blocco di Gaza. Chiediamo il pieno boicottaggio
economico, culturale e accademico di Israele.
Il 23/08/14 07:59, Luisa Morgantini ha scritto:
Oggi sul NY Times. I giusti tra i popoli.
Invierò traduzione ma in questo momento questa
lettera mi fa troppo felice in questi ormai 49 giorni di
immenso dolore e disperazione per le nostre
responsabilità'. Grazie a tutti loro che lasciano aperta
una striscia di speranza e ad Adriana e Caterina per
avere condiviso .
Luisa Morgantini
Sent from my iPhone
Date: 23 agosto 2014 01:30:
Vi inoltro questa lettera che
comparirà domani mattina (23 agosto) sul NY Times.
E' firmata da ebrei sopravvvissuti al genocidio
nazista e da loro discendenti, tra cui i miei
nipoti Matteo e Maria Luban e mio genero Jeremy
Luban. Adriana
condividere con voi questa lettera, firmata da
Maria, Matteo e Jeremy, insieme al nostro caro
amico Daniel Strum e a molti altri che testimonia
la FERMA CONDANNA delle vittime del genocidio
nazista contro il massacro di vittime innocenti
Palestinesi a Gaza e contro l'occupazione e la
colonizzazione delle terre della Palestina storica
da parte di Israele.
lettera apparira' sul New York Times domani.
Over 300 Survivors and Descendants of
Survivors of Victims of the Nazi
Genocide Condemn Israel’s Assault on
327 Jewish survivors and descendants of
survivors and victims of the Nazi
genocide have signed this letter written
in response to Elie Wiesel’s
manipulation of the Nazi Genocide to
attempt to justify the attacks on Gaza.
As Jewish survivors and descendants of
survivors and victims of the Nazi
genocide we unequivocally condemn the
massacre of Palestinians in Gaza and the
ongoing occupation and colonization of
historic Palestine. We further condemn
the United States for providing Israel
with the funding to carry out the
attack, and Western states more
generally for using their diplomatic
muscle to protect Israel from
condemnation. Genocide begins with the
silence of the world.
We are alarmed by the extreme, racist
dehumanization of Palestinians in
Israeli society, which has reached a
fever-pitch. In Israel, politicians and
pundits in The Times of Israel and The
Jerusalem Post have called openly for
genocide of Palestinians and right-wing
Israelis are adopting Neo-Nazi insignia.
Furthermore, we are disgusted and
outraged by Elie Wiesel’s abuse of our
history in these pages to promote
blatant falsehoods used to justify the
unjustifiable: Israel’s wholesale effort
to destroy Gaza and the murder of more
than 2,000 Palestinians, including many
hundreds of children. Nothing can
justify bombing UN shelters, homes,
hospitals and universities. Nothing can
justify depriving people of electricity
and water.
We must raise our collective voices and
use our collective power to bring about
an end to all forms of racism, including
the ongoing genocide of Palestinian
people. We call for an immediate end to
the siege against and blockade of Gaza.
We call for the full economic, cultural
and academic boycott of Israel. “Never
again” must mean NEVER AGAIN FOR ANYONE!
Hajo Meyer, survivor of Auschwitz,
The Netherlands.
Henri Wajnblum, survivor and son of
a victim of Auschwitz from Lodz,
Poland. Lives in Belgium.
Renate Bridenthal, child refugee
from Hitler, granddaughter of
Auschwitz victim, United States.
Marianka Ehrlich Ross, survivor of
Nazi ethnic cleansing in Vienna,
Austria. Now lives in United States.
Irena Klepfisz, child survivor from
the Warsaw Ghetto, Poland. Now lives
in United States.
Hedy Epstein, her parents &
other family members were deported to
Camp de Gurs & subsequently all
perished in Auschwitz. Now lives in
United States.
Lillian Rosengarten, survivor of the
Nazi Holocaust, United States.
Suzanne Weiss, survived in hiding in
France, and daughter of a mother who
was murdered in Auschwitz. Now lives
in Canada.
H. Richard Leuchtag, survivor,
United States.
Ervin Somogyi, survivor and son of
survivors, United States.
Ilse Hadda, survivor on
Kindertransport to England. Now lives
in United States.
Jacques Glaser, survivor, France.
Eva Naylor, surivor, New Zealand.
Suzanne Ross, child refugee from
Nazi occupation in Belgium, two thirds
of family perished in the Lodz Ghetto,
in Auschwitz, and other Camps, United
Bernard Swierszcz, Polish survivor,
lost relatives in Majdanek
concentration camp. Now lives in the
United States.
Joseph Klinkov, hidden child in
Poland. Lives in the United States.
Nicole Milner, survivor from
Belgium. Now lives in United States.
Hedi Saraf, child survivor and
daughter of survivor of Dachau, United
Michael Rice, child survivor, son
and grandson of survivor, aunt and
cousin murderd, ALL 14 remaining
Jewish children in my Dutch boarding
school were murdered in concentration
camps, United States.
Barbara Roose, survivor from
Germany, half-sister killed in
Auschwitz, United States.
Sonia Herzbrun, survivor of Nazi
genocide, France.
Ivan Huber, survivor with my
parents, but 3 of 4 grandparents
murdered, United States.
Altman Janina, survivor of Janowski
concentration camp, Lvov. Lives in
Leibu Strul Zalman, survivor from
Vaslui Romania. Lives in Jerusalem,
Miriam Almeleh, survivor, United
George Bartenieff, child survivor
from Germany and son of survivors,
United States.
Margarete Liebstaedter, survivor,
hidden by Christian people in Holland.
Lives in Belgium.
Edith Bell, survivor of Westerbork,
Theresienstadt, Auschwitz and
Kurzbach. Lives in United States.
Janine Euvrard, survivor, France.
Harry Halbreich, survivor, Germany.
Ruth Kupferschmidt, survivor, spent
five years hiding, The Netherlands.
Annette Herskovits, hidden child and
daughter of victims deported to
Auschwitz from France. Lives in the
United States.
Felicia Langer, survivor from
Germany. Lives in Germany.
Moshe Langer, survivor from Germany,
Moshe survived 5 concentration camps,
family members were exterminated.
Lives in Germany.
Adam Policzer, hidden child from
Hungary. Now lives in Canada.
Juliane Biro, survivor via the
Kindertransport to England, daughter
of survivors, niece of victims, United
Edith Rubinstein, child refugee,
granddaughter of 3 victims, many other
family members were victims, Belgium.
Jacques Bude, survivor, mother and
father murdered in Auschwitz, Belgium.
Nicole Kahn, survivor, France.
Shimon Schwarzschild, survivor from
Germany, United States.
Children of survivors:
Liliana Kaczerginski, daughter of
Vilna ghetto resistance fighter and
granddaughter of murdered in Ponary
woods, Lithuania. Now lives in France.
Jean-Claude Meyer, son of Marcel,
shot as a hostage by the Nazis, whose
sister and parents died in Auschwitz.
Now lives in France.
Chava Finkler, daughter of survivor
of Starachovice labour camp, Poland.
Now lives in Canada.
Micah Bazant, child of a survivor of
the Nazi genocide, United States.
Sylvia Schwarz, daughter and
granddaughter of survivors and
granddaughter of victims of the Nazi
genocide, United States.
Margot Goldstein, daughter and
granddaughter of survivors of the Nazi
genocide, United States.
Ellen Schwarz Wasfi, daughter of
survivors from Vienna, Austria. Now
lives in United States.
Lisa Kosowski, daughter of survivor
and granddaughter of Auschwitz
victims, United States.
Daniel Strum, son of a refugee from
Vienna, who, with his parents were
forced to flee in 1939, his maternal
grand-parents were lost, United
Bruce Ballin, son of survivors, some
relatives of parents died in camps,
one relative beheaded for being in the
Baum Resistance Group, United States.
Rachel Duell, daughter of survivors
from Germany and Poland, United
Tom Mayer, son of survivor and
grandson of victims, United States.
Alex Nissen, daughter of survivors
who escaped but lost family in the
Holocaust, Australia.
Mark Aleshnick, son of survivor who
lost most of her family in Nazi
genocide, United States.
Prof. Haim Bresheeth, son of two
survivors of Auschwitz and Bergen
Belsen, London.
Todd Michael Edelman, son and
grandson of survivors and
great-grandson of victims of the Nazi
genocide in Hungary, Romania and
Slovakia, United States.
Tim Naylor, son of survivor, New
Victor Nepomnyashchy, son and
grandson of survivors and grandson and
relative of many victims, United
Tanya Ury, daughter of parents who
fled Nazi Germany, granddaughter,
great granddaugher and niece of
survivors and those who died in
concentration camps, Germany.
Rachel Giora, daughter of Polish
Jews who fled Poland, Israel.
Jane Hirschmann, daughter of
survivors, United States.
Jenny Heinz, daughter of survivor,
United States.
Jaap Hamburger, son of survivors and
grandchild of 4 grandparents murdered
in Auschwitz, The Netherlands.
Elsa Auerbach, daughter of Jewish
refugees from Nazi Germany, United
Julian Clegg, son and grandson of
Austrian refugees, relative of
Austrian and Hungarian concentration
camp victims, Taiwan.
David Mizner, son of a survivor,
relative of people who died in the
Holocaust, United States.
Jeffrey J. Westcott, son and
grandson of Holocaust survivors from
Germany, United States.
Susan K. Jacoby, daughter of parents
who were refugees from Nazi Germany,
granddaughter of survivor of
Buchenwald, United States.
Audrey Bomse, daughter of a survivor
of Nazi ethnic cleansing in Vienna,
lives in United States.
Daniel Gottschalk, son and grandson
of refugees from the Holocaust,
relative to various family members who
died in the Holocaust, United States.
Barbara Grossman, daughter of
survivors, granddaughter of Holocaust
victims, United States.
Abraham Weizfeld PhD, son of
survivorswho escaped Warsaw (Jewish
Bundist) and Lublin ghettos, Canada.
David Rohrlich, son of refugees from
Vienna, grandson of victim, United
Walter Ballin, son of holocaust
survivors, United States.
Fritzi Ross, daughter of survivor,
granddaughter of Dachau survivor Hugo
Rosenbaum, great-granddaughter and
great-niece of victims, United States.
Reuben Roth, son of survivors who
fled from Poland in 1939, Canada.
Tony Iltis, father fled from
Czechoslovakia and grandmother
murdered in Auschwitz, Australia.
Anne Hudes, daughter and
granddaughter of survivors from
Vienna, Austria, great-granddaughter
of victims who perished in Auschwitz,
United States.
Mateo Nube, son of survivor from
Berlin, Germany. Lives in United
John Mifsud, son of survivors from
Malta, United States.
Mike Okrent, son of two holocaust /
concentration camp survivors, United
Susan Bailey, daughter of survivor
and niece of victims, UK.
Brenda Lewis, child of
Kindertransport survivor, parent’s
family died in Auschwitz and Terezin.
Lives in Canada.
Patricia Rincon-Mautner, daughter of
survivor and granddaughter of
survivor, Colombia.
Barak Michèle, daughter and
grand-daughter of a survivor, many
members of family were killed in
Auschwitz or Bessarabia. Lives in
Jessica Blatt, daughter of child
refugee survivor, both grandparents’
entire families killed in Poland.
Lives in United States
Maia Ettinger, daughter &
granddaughter of survivors, United
Ammiel Alcalay, child of survivors
from then Yugoslavia. Lives in United
Julie Deborah Kosowski, daughter of
hidden child survivor, grandparents
did not return from Auschwitz, United
Julia Shpirt, daughter of survivor,
United States.
Ruben Rosenberg Colorni, grandson
and son of survivors, The Netherlands.
Victor Ginsburgh, son of survivors,
Arianne Sved, daughter of a survivor
and granddaughter of victim, Spain.
Rolf Verleger, son of survivors,
father survived Auschwitz, mother
survived deportation from Berlin to
Estonia, other family did not survive.
Lives in Germany.
Euvrard Janine, daughter of
survivors, France.
H. Fleishon, daughter of survivors,
United States.
Barbara Meyer, daughter of survivor
in Polish concentration camps. Lives
in Italy.
Susan Heuman, child of survivors and
granddaughter of two grandparents
murdered in a forest in Minsk. Lives
in United States.
Rami Heled, son of survivors, all
grandparents and family killed by the
Germans in Treblinka, Oswiecim and
Russia. Lives in Israel.
Eitan Altman, son of survivor,
Jorge Sved, son of survivor and
grandson of victim, United Kingdom
Maria Kruczkowska, daughter of Lea
Horowicz who survived the holocaust in
Poland. Lives in Poland.
Sarah Lanzman, daughter of survivor
of Auschwitz, United States.
Cheryl W, daughter, granddaughter
and nieces of survivors, grandfather
was a member of the Dutch Underground
(Eindhoven). Lives in Australia.
Chris Holmquist, son of survivor,
Beverly Stuart, daughter and
granddaughter of survivors from
Romania and Poland. Lives in United
Peter Truskier, son and grandson of
survivors, United States.
Karen Bermann, daughter of a child
refugee from Vienna. Lives in United
Rebecca Weston, daughter and
granddaughter of survivor, Spain.
Prof. Yosefa Loshitzky, daughter of
Holocaust survivors, London, UK.
Marion Geller, daughter and
granddaughter of those who escaped,
great-granddaughter and relative of
many who died in the camps, UK.
Susan Slyomovics, daughter and
granddaughter of survivors of
Auschwitz, Plaszow, Markleeberg and
Ghetto Mateszalka, United States.
Helga Fischer Mankovitz, daughter,
niece and cousin of refugees who fled
from Austria, niece of victim who
perished, Canada.
Michael Wischnia, son of survivors
and relative of many who perished,
United States.
Arthur Graaff, son of decorated
Dutch resistance member and nazi
victim, The Netherlands.
Yael Kahn, daughter of survivors who
escaped Nazi Germany, many relatives
that perished, UK.
Pierre Stambul, son of French
resistance fighters, father deported
to Buchenwalk, grandparents disapeared
in Bessarabia, France.
Georges Gumpel, son of a deportee
who died at Melk, Austria (subcamp of
Mauthausen), France.
Emma Kronberg, daughter of survivor
Buchenwald, United States.
Hannah Schwarzschild, daughter of a
refugee who escaped Nazi Germany after
experiencing Kristallnacht, United
Rubin Kantorovich, son of a
survivor, Canada.
Daniele Armaleo, son of German
refugee, grandparents perished in
Theresienstadt, United States.
Aminda Stern Baird, daughter of
survivor, United States.
Ana Policzer, daughter of hidden
child, granddaughter of victim,
niece/grandniece of four victims and
two survivors, Canada.
Sara Castaldo, daughter of
survivors, United States.
Pablo Policzer, son of a survivor,
Gail Nestel, daughter of survivors
who lost brothers, sisters, parents
and cousins, Canada.
Elizabeth Heineman, daughter and
niece of unaccompanied child refugees,
granddaughter of survivors,
great-granddaughter and grand-niece of
victims, United States.
Lainie Magidsohn, daughter of child
survivor and numerous other relatives
from Czestochowa, Poland. Lives in
Doris Gelbman, daughter and
granddaughter of survivors,
granddaughter and niece of many who
perished, United States.
Erna Lund, daughter of survivor,
Rayah Feldman, daughter of refugees,
granddaughter and niece of victims and
survivors, UK.
Hadas Rivera-Weiss, daughter of
survivors from Hungary, mother Ruchel
Weiss née Abramovich and father Shaya
Weiss, United States.
Pedro Tabensky, son of survivor of
the Budapest Ghetto, South Africa.
Allan Kolski Horwitz, son of a
survivor; descendant of many, many
victims, South Africa.
Monique Mojica, child of survivor,
relative to many victims murdered in
Auschwitz. Canada.
Mike Brecher, son of a
Kindertransport survivor and grandson
of two who did not survive. UK.
Nomi Yah Gardiner, daughter and
granddaughter of survivors, relative
of victims, United States.
Marianne van Leeuw Koplewicz,
daughter of deported parents,
grand-daughter and niece of victims,
Alfred Gluecksmann, son of survivors
of Germany, United States.
Smadar Carmon, daughter of survivor,
Grandchildren of survivors
Raphael Cohen, grandson of Jewish
survivors of the Nazi genocide, United
Emma Rubin, granddaughter of a
survivor of the Nazi genocide, United
Alex Safron, grandson of a survivor
of the Nazi genocide, United States.
Danielle Feris, grandchild of a
Polish grandmother whose whole family
died in the Nazi Holocaust, United
Jesse Strauss, grandson of Polish
survivors of the Nazi genocide, United
Anna Baltzer, granddaughter of
survivors whose family members
perished in Auschwitz (others were
members of the Belgian Resistance),
United States.
Abigail Harms, granddaughter of
Holocaust survivor from Austria, Now
lives in United States.
Tessa Strauss, granddaughter of
Polish Jewish survivors of the Nazi
genocide, United States.
Caroline Picker, granddaughter of
survivors of the Nazi genocide, United
Amalle Dublon, grandchild and
great-grandchild of survivors of the
Nazi holocaust, United States.
Antonie Kaufmann Churg, 3rd cousin
of Ann Frank and grand-daughter of
NON-survivors, United States.
Aliza Shvarts, granddaughter of
survivors, United States.
Linda Mamoun, granddaughter of
survivors, United States.
Abby Okrent, granddaughter of
survivors of the Auschwitz, Dachau,
Stuttgart, and the Lodz Ghetto, United
Ted Auerbach, grandson of survivor
whose whole family died in the
Holocaust, United States.
Beth Bruch, grandchild of German
Jews who fled to US and
great-grandchild of Nazi holocaust
survivor, United States.
Bob Wilson, grandson of a survivor,
United States.
Katharine Wallerstein, granddaughter
of survivors and relative of many who
perished, United States.
Sylvia Finzi, granddaughter and
niece of Holocaust victims murdered in
Auschwitz, London.
Esteban Schmelz, grandson of
KZ-Theresienstadt victim, Mexico City.
Françoise Basch, grand daughter of
Victor and Ilona Basch murdered by the
Gestapo and the French Milice, France.
Gabriel Alkon, grandson of Holocaust
survivors, Untied States.
Nirit Ben-Ari, grandchild of Polish
grandparents from both sides whose
entire family was killed in the Nazi
Holocaust, United States.
Heike Schotten, granddaughter of
refugees from Nazi Germany who escaped
the genocide, United States.
Ike af Carlstèn, grandson of
survivor, Norway.
Elias Lazarus, grandson of Holocaust
refugees from Dresden, United States
and Australia.
Laura Mandelberg, granddaughter of
Holocaust survivors, United States.
Josh Ruebner, grandson of Nazi
Holocaust survivors, United States.
Shirley Feldman, granddaughter of
survivors, United States.
Nuno Cesar Ferreira, grandson of
survivor, Brazil.
Andrea Land, granddaugher of
survivors who fled programs in Poland,
all European relatives died in German
and Polish concentration camps, United
Sarah Goldman, granddaughter of
survivors of the Nazi genocide, United
Baruch Wolski, grandson of
survivors, Austria.
Frank Amahran, grandson of survivor,
United States.
Eve Spangler, granddaughter of
Holocaust NON-survivor, United States.
Gil Medovoy, grandchild of Fela
Hornstein who lost her enitre family
in Poland during the Nazi genocide,
United States.
Michael Hoffman, grandson of
survivors, rest of family killed in
Poland during Holocaust, live in El
Sarah Hogarth, granddaughter of a
survivor whose entire family was
killed at Auschwitz, United States.
Tibby Brooks, granddaughter, niece,
and cousin of victims of Nazis in
Ukraine. Lives in United States.
Dan Berger, grandson of survivor,
United States.
Dani Baurer, granddaughter of Baruch
Pollack, survivor of Auschwitz. Lives
in United States.
Talia Baurer, granddaughter of a
survivor, United States.
Evan Cofsky, grandson of survivor,
Annie Sicherman, granddaughter of
survivors, United States.
Anna Heyman, granddaughter of
survivors, UK.
Maya Ober, granddaughter of survivor
and relative of deceased in
Teresienstadt and Auschwitz, Tel Aviv.
Anne Haan, granddaughter of Joseph
Slagter, survivor of Auschwitz. Lives
in The Netherlands.
Oliver Ginsberg, grandson of victim,
Alexia Zdral, granddaughter of
Polish survivors, United States.
Mitchel Bollag, grandson of
Stanislaus Eisner, who was living in
Czechoslovakia before being sent to a
concentration camp. United States.
Vivienne Porzsolt, granddaughter of
victims of Nazi genocide, Australia.
Lisa Nessan, granddaughter of
survivors, United States.
Kally Alexandrou, granddaughter of
survivors, Australia.
Laura Ostrow, granddaughter of
survivors, United States
Anette Jacobson, granddaughter of
relatives killed, town of Kamen
Kashirsk, Poland. Lives in United
Tamar Yaron (Teresa Werner),
granddaughter and niece of victims of
the Nazi genocide in Poland, Israel.
Antonio Roman-Alcalá, grandson of
survivor, United States.
Jeremy Luban, grandson of survivor,
United States.
Heather West, granddaughter of
survivors and relative of other
victims, United States.
Jeff Ethan Au Green, grandson of
survivor who escaped from a Nazi work
camp and hid in the Polish-Ukranian
forest, United States.
Johanna Haan, daughter and
granddaughter of victims in the
Netherlands. Lives in the Netherlands.
Aron Ben Miriam, son of and nephew
of survivors from Auschwitz,
Bergen-Belsen, Salzwedel, Lodz ghetto.
Lives in United States.
Noa Shaindlinger, granddaughter of
four holocaust survivors, Canada.
Merilyn Moos, granddaughter, cousin
and niece murdered victims, UK.
Ruth Tenne, granddaughter and
relative of those who perished in
Warsaw Ghetto, London.
Craig Berman, grandson of Holocaust
survivors, UK.
Nell Hirschmann-Levy, granddaughter
of survivors from Germany. Lives in
United States.
Osha Neumann, grandson of Gertrud
Neumann who died in Theresienstadt.
Lives in United States.
Georg Frankl, Grandson of survivor
Ernst-Immo Frankl who survived German
work camp. Lives in Germany.
Julian Drix, grandson of two
survivors from Poland, including
survivor and escapee from liquidated
Janowska concentration camp in Lwow,
Poland. Lives in United States.
Katrina Mayer, grandson and relative
of victims, UK.
Avigail Abarbanel, granddaughter of
survivors, Scotland.
Denni Turp, granddaughter of Michael
Prooth, survivor, UK.
Fenya Fischler, granddaughter of
survivors, UK.
Yakira Teitel, granddaughter of
German Jewish refugees,
great-granddaughter of survivor,
United States.
Susan Koppelman, granddaughter of
survivor, United States
Hana Umeda, granddaughter of
survivor, Warsaw.
Jordan Silverstein, grandson of two
survivors, Canada.
Daniela Petuchowski, granddaughter
of survivors, United States.
Aaron Lerner, grandson of survivors,
United States.
Judith Bernstein, granddaughter of
Holocaust victims in Auschwitz,
Samantha Wischnia, granddaughter and
great niece of survivors from Poland,
United States.
Elizabeth Wischnia, granddaughter
and grand niece of three holocaust
survivors, great aunt worked for
Schindler, United States.
Daniel Waterman, grandson of
survivor, The Netherlands.
Elana Baurer, granddaughter of
survivor, United States.
Pablo Roman-Alcala, grandson of
participant in the kindertransport and
survivor, Germany.
Karine Abdel Malek, grandchild of
survivor, Henri Waisman, Morocco.
Elana Baurer, granddaughter of
survivor, United States.
Lillian Brown, granddaughter of
survivor, United States.
Devin Cahn, grandson of survivors,
United States.
Daniel Lévyne, grandson of a
deportee, France.
Emilie Ferreira, granddaughter of
survivors, Switzerland.
Chaim Neslen, grandchild of many
victims and friend of many survivors,
Ann Jungmann, granddaughter to three
victims, UK.
Ellie Schling, granddaughter of a
survivor, UK.
Danny Katch, grandson of a survivor,
United States.
Karen Pomer, granddaughter of Henri
B. van Leeuwen, member of Dutch
resistance and survivor of Bergen
Belsen, United States.
Gilda Mitchell Katz, granddaughter
of survivors, uncle and aunt killed In
Dombrova, Canada.
Dana Newfield, granddaughter of
survivor and relative of many
murdered, United States.
Ilana Guslits, granddaughter of two
Polish survivors, Canada.
Gerald Coles-Kolsky, grandson of
victims in Poland and France, United
Lesley Swain, granddaughter and
cousin of survivors, UK.
Myera Waese, granddaughter of
survivors of Bergen Belsen, Canada.
Ronni Seidman, grandchild of
survivors. United States.
Mike Shatzkin, grandchild of
survivors, some family members
murdered and some who died in the
Warsaw Ghetto uprising. United States.
Nance Shatzkin, grandchild of
survivors, some family members
murdered and some who died in the
Warsaw Ghetto uprising. United States.
Karen Shatzkin, grandchild of
survivors, some family members
murdered and some who died in the
Warsaw Ghetto uprising. United States.
Myriam Burger, granddaughter of
survivor. United States.
Andre Burger, grandson of survivor
Myriam Cohn, great-grandson of Sylvia
Cohn and great-nephew of Esther Lore
Cohn, both murdered in Auschwitz,
United States.
Sara Ayech, granddaughter of Gisela
and Max Roth, survivors who lost many
family members, UK.
Monika Vykoukal, granddaughter of
survivor, France.
Patricia Reinheimer, grandaugther of
survivors, Brazil.
Nancy Patchell, granddaughter of
resistance fighters, grandfather was
caught and died in a concentration
camp, Canada.
Jaclyn Pryor, granddaughter of
survivors from Czestochowa Ghetto,
Poland; great-grandchild, niece, and
cousin to many who perished, United
Steven Rosenthal, grandson of
survivor, Chile.
Alfredo Hilt, grandson of victim,
Arturo Desimone, grandson of a
survivor of the ghetto of Çzestochowa,
The Netherlands.
Lazer Lederhendler, grandson of
victims whose seven siblings also
perished in the Warsaw Ghetto and
Treblinka. Lives in Canada.
Great-grandchildren of
Natalie Rothman, great granddaughter
of Holocaust victims in Warsaw. Now
lives in Canada.
Yotam Amit, great-grandson of Polish
Jew who fled Poland, United States.
Daniel Boyarin, great grandson of
victims of the Nazi genocide, United
Maria Luban, great-granddaughter of
survivors of the Holocaust, United
Mimi Erlich, great-granddaughter of
Holocaust victim, United States.
Olivia Kraus, great-grandaughter of
victims, granddaughter and daughter of
family that fled Austria and
Czechoslovakia. Lives in United
Emily (Chisefsky) Alma, great
granddaughter and great grandniece of
victims in Bialystok, Poland, United
Inbal Amin, great-granddaughter of a
mother and son that escaped and
related to plenty that didn’t, United
Matteo Luban, great-granddaughter of
survivors, United States.
Saira Weiner, greatgranddaughter and
niece of those murdered in the
Holocaust, granddaughter of survivors,
Andrea Isaak, great-granddaughter of
survivor, Canada.
Alan Lott, great-grandson of a
number of relatives lost, United
Sara Wines, great-granddaughter of a
survivor and great-great granddaughter
of victims, United States.
Other relatives of
Terri Ginsberg, niece of a survivor
of the Nazi genocide, United States.
Nathan Pollack, relative of
Holocaust survivors and victims,
United States.
Marcy Winograd, relatives of
victims, United States.
Rabbi Borukh Goldberg, relative of
many victims, United States.
Martin Davidson, great-nephew of
victims who lived in the Netherlands,
Miriam Pickens, relative of
survivors, United States.
Dorothy Werner, spouse of survivor,
United States.
Hyman and Hazel Rochman, relatives
of Holocaust victims, United States.
Rich Siegel, cousin of victims who
were rounded up and shot in town
square of Czestochowa, Poland. Lives
in United States.
Ignacio Israel Cruz-Lara, relative
of survivor, Mexico.
Debra Stuckgold, relative of
survivors, United States.
Joel Kovel, relatives killed at Babi
Yar, United States.
Carol Krauthamer Smith, niece of
survivors of the Nazi genocide, United
Chandra Ahuva Hauptman, relatives
from grandfather’s family died in Lodz
ghetto, one survivor cousin and many
deceased from Auschwitz, United
Shelly Weiss, relative of Holocaust
victims, United States.
Carol Sanders, niece and cousin of
victims of Holocaust in Poland, United
Sandra Rosen, great-niece and cousin
of survivors, United States.
Raquel Hiller, relative of victims
in Poland. Now lives in Mexico.
Alex Kantrowitz, most of father’s
family murdered Nesvizh, Belarus 1941.
Lives in United States.
Michael Steven Smith, many relatives
were killed in Hungary. Lives in
United States.
Linda Moore, relative of survivors
and victims, United States.
Juliet VanEenwyk, niece and cousin
of Hungarian survivors, United States.
Anya Achtenberg, grand niece, niece,
cousin of victims tortured and
murdered in Ukraine. Lives in United
Betsy Wolf-Graves, great niece of
uncle who shot himself as he was about
to be arrested by Nazis, United
Abecassis Pierre, grand-uncle died
in concentration camp, France.
Robert Rosenthal, great-nephew and
cousin of survivors from Poland. Lives
in United States.
Régine Bohar, relative of victims
sent to Auschwitz, Canada.
Denise Rickles, relative of
survivors and victims in Poland. Lives
in United States.
Louis Hirsch, relative of victims,
United States.
Concepción Marcos, relative of
victim, Spain.
George Sved, relative of victim,
Judith Berlowitz, relative of
victims and survivors, United States.
Rebecca Sturgeon, descendant of
Holocaust survivor from Amsterdam.
Lives in UK.
Justin Levy, relative of victims and
survivors, Ireland.
Sam Semoff, relative of survivors
and victims, UK.
Leah Brown Klein, daughter-in-law of
survivors Miki and Etu Fixler Klein,
United States
Karen Malpede, spouse of hidden
child who then fled Germany. Lives in
United States
Michel Euvrard, husband of survivor,
Walter Ebmeyer, grandnephew of three
Auschwitz victims and one survivor now
living in Jerusalem, United States.
Garrett Wright, relative of victims
and survivors, United States.
Lynne Lopez-Salzedo, descendant of
three Auschwitz victims, United
Renee Leavy, 86 victims in my
mother’s family, United States.
Steven Kohn, 182 victims in my
grandparents’ families, United States.
Dorah Rosen Shuey, relative of many
victims and 4 survivors, United
Carol Lipton, cousin of survivors,
United States.
Catherine Bruckner, descendent of
Czech Jewish victims of the holocaust,
Susan Rae Goldstein, carrying the
name of my great-aunt Rose Frankel,
from Poland and murdered along with
many other family members, Canada.
Jordan Elgrably, nephew of Marcelle
Elgrably, killed in Auschwitz, United
Olivia M Hudis, relative of
Auschwitz victims, United States.
Peter Finkelstein, relative of
victims and survivors, Germany.
Colin Merrin, descendant of Polish
and Belarusian Jewish victims, UK.
Howard Swerdloff, most of my family
died in the Shoah, United States.
Margarita E Freund, descendant of
Breslau and Ukrainian Jewish victims,
United States.
Marsha Goldberg, relative of victims
in Poland, United States.
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