Re: [Hackmeeting] Servizi simili ad A/I

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Author: P@sKy
Date: 2013-11-25 14:53 -000
To: hackmeeting
Subject: Re: [Hackmeeting] Servizi simili ad A/I
Il 25/11/2013 14.52, gin(e) ha scritto:
> e questo lo sappiamo naif ci aveva spiegato tempo fa di tor e la
> fondazione hermes ad esempio, ma si discuteva di riseup e della
> provenienza del loro denaro, non della prassi.

Sinceramente sembra un pò una leggenda metropolitana e dato che li
conosco (riseup), chiederò lumi direttamente a loro stessi intanto
sul sito leggo questo:


Support radical alternatives!

Riseup works tirelessly to create grassroots technology alternatives
that address the communication needs of people and organizations working
for social change. When you get a service from a corporation that
doesn’t charge you, chances are that the money comes from extensive
surveillance. Riseup, on the other hand, relies on donations by users
like you who believe in supporting democratic alternatives.

For more information about Riseup, you can meet our members and check
out our project areas. Riseup is a registered nonprofit under section
501(c)(4) of the US Internal Revenue Code.

Donations to are not tax-deductible. If you would like to
make a tax-deductible donation (US), you can contribute to our sister
organization, Riseup Labs.

If you are a programmer, you can support Riseup by writing code.

e nella sezione Privacy Policy leggo questo:


Privacy Policy

Your privacy is our primary concern. Our goal is to retain as little
information on you as possible while still retaining the ability to
provide reliable service and prevent abuse of server resources.
Please delete your user data¶

We collect user information from you when you make a request for
service. Once your request is approved, you have two options:

     Leave intact the user information which you have provided. This 
information helps us troubleshoot problems which may arise. For example, 
if you forget your password this information might help us to confirm 
your identity and reset your password.
     Delete your user information. If you are concerned about your 
privacy, we strongly suggest that you delete all the user information 
which you have provided. The drawback is that you will lose your account 
and all your mail if you forget your password. No exceptions. does not want to keep your user information. If we don’t have
your information, we cannot be forced to provide this data to a third
party. It is our preference that you delete your information now. But
the choice is up to you.

For mail accounts, user information can be deleted by visiting and clicking “change my settings.” For lists, you can
edit the list description and owners (and other information) from the
list admin interface once you are logged into
We keep minimal logs

Most Online Service Providers keep detailed records of all connections.
In general, we do not keep information which uniquely identifies you or
could be used to build a profile of your usage and associations. We do
not log IP addresses. For troubleshooting, we may enable increased
logging for brief periods of time. These extra logs are deleted
immediately after they are used.
We do not share data with anyone

We do not share any user information with any other groups or
individuals. Within the Riseup Collective, members of the collective
have access only to information which they need in order to perform
their work.
We will defend your data

We will actively fight any attempt to force Riseup Networks to disclose
user information or logs.
We will not monitor your communications

We will not read, search, or process any of your incoming or outgoing
mail other than to protect you from viruses and spam or when directed to
do so by you when troubleshooting.
Your data is encrypted

The content of your communications, the calendar date of your last
login, your addressbook, and all backups are stored in encrypted format.

Inoltre quando l'anno scorso l'FBI ha sequestrato il sito di isole
per l'anonymous remailer

gli stessi compagni di RiseUp hanno filmato la consegna da parte dello
sbirrume rendendoli più che ridicoli e mettendolo su youtube con tanto
di colonna sonora di "mission impossible" e ad oggi ha più di 16mila
visualizzazioni che non sono proprio pochi ;) e questo me li rende
degni di rispetto nonchè compagni (comrades come piace chiamarci
quando comunichiamo con loro)... il resto mi sembrano solo chiacchiere
da bar.... e sti kazzi...

Happy Hacking!

Makkinista - Fuokista
Isole Nella Rete -

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