Tommaso VITALE
Scientific Director of the Master “Governing the Large Metropolis”.
Associate Professor of Sociology
My webpage with news on conferences and recent publications
News with twitter: @VitaleTommaso
Centre d'études européennes
tel: 0033.(0)1.4549.8320
skype: tomvita
27 rue Saint-Guillaume 75337 Paris cedex 07 France
Begin forwarded message:
> From: paola rivetti <rivettipaol@???>
> Subject: Conferenza a Londra su reti movimenti, mobilitazioni - CFP
> Date: 20 marzo 2012 15:47:03 GMT+01:00
> To: sgmovimentipartecipazione@???
> Reply-To: sgmovimentipartecipazione@???
> Ricevo e inoltro,
> Paola Rivetti