[movimenti.bicocca] *SPAM* PLACE AND PEOPLE/09 EXPLORATIONS …

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Author: Tommaso Vitale
Date: 2009-04-10 08:42 -000
To: ML movimenti Bicocca
Politecnico di Milano, Facoltà di Architettura e Società/ Msc in Urban
Planning and Policy Design / Laurea Specialistica in Politiche Urbane
e Pianificazione Territoriale/ Urban Ethnography/Etnografia Urbana,
Prof. Massimo Bricocoli


- There is still a false notion that simply by mixing up different
functions or putting different people in the same place they will
begin to interact. But the question of how we really get communities
to recognise, accept and interact with one anther is ultimately one
that requires visual thinking. It is a design issue..._ Richard Sennett,

What are the conditions that regulate social and spatial organization
in the contemporary city? What are the elements that produce (or
conversely ? prevent) the possible co-presence of a diverse and mixed
population in urban areas? What are the arguments for public policies
promoting the recombination of people and places as an escape from
urban decay? Are urban projects (design and public policies) able to
produce conditions for frequent and various uses? Is the contemporary
city still the space for encounters (and conflicts)? Urbanity and mix
of people/uses seem to be more and more valued in normative terms,
objectives (if not prescription) of new urban policies, development
plans and design intentions. Though, urban development is regulated by
codes, cultures and planning instruments - as well as by market
conditions - that are consuming and erasing this mix (a long-term side
effect of urban, cultural, and social development in time). The
seminars will address detecting, recognizing and describing devices at
work to regulate the connections between people and places, urban
space and its uses, and supporting a critical reflection on normative
and design attitudes.

Massimo Bricocoli
DiAP - Dipartimento di Architettura e Pianificazione
Politecnico di Milano
Via Bonardi, 3
20133 Milano - ITALIA

Tel. + 39 (0)2 2399 2603-5469