Author: Tommaso Vitale Date: 2008-01-03 12:29 -000 To: ML movimenti Bicocca Subject: [movimenti.bicocca] Volume on "Anti-Democratic Thought"
Inizio messaggio inoltrato:
> Da: Erich Kofmel <e.kofmel@???>
> Dear all
> Based on a workshop "Anti-Democratic Thought" I organized for the
> Fourth Annual Conference "Workshops in Political Theory" in September
> 2007 in Manchester, England, I am now preparing an edited volume,
> "Anti-Democratic Thought", to be published by Imprint Academic in
> autumn 2008.
> >
> In addition to the papers given at the conference I would like to
> invite scholars who could not attend the workshop to contribute to the
> volume. Do you have an unpublished piece that may be suitable? (I may
> also consider articles previously published in journals if they are
> particularly topical.)
> Looking forward to hearing from you.
> Erich Kofmel
> Managing Director
> Sussex Centre for the Individual and Society (SCIS)