[Badgirlz-list] presentation in the karakola today

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Author: Errata Errata
Date: 2003-03-02 17:17 -000
New-Topics: [Badgirlz-list] Calcutta police on rape charges
Subject: [Badgirlz-list] presentation in the karakola today
> News from the Karakola (self-managed feminist
> occupied social center in
> Madrid):
> Today was our big day. A presentation which
> included a multimedia survey of
> the six years of the occupation of the house (with
> all the historiographical
> problems which this entails), a fabulous cabaret
> about work, power and
> representation, interventions by various
> neighborhood and feminist groups, a
> drag show... and more.
> Many came -- a few hundred -- more didn't. After
> weeks of work --
> construction, organization, editing, etc. -- we are
> on the one hand
> triumphant and on the other reflective: why are
> women's projects terminally
> marginal? how do we tell stories without giving in
> to the exclusion and
> partiality which narrative seems necessarily to
> entail? How do we actively
> promote our project while maintaining our own
> capacity for self-criticism
> and analysis? etc...
> This proposal which we have launched is ambitious
> and passionate.
> Reporters and others who were not aquainted with the
> house, the project,
> were amazed. We will see what happens, how things
> unfold. We will continue
> to push for the impossible and dream the
> unimaginable, because in these dark
> days what else can we do? And we will keep you
> informed.
> with love,
> maggie
> and
> la karakola
> http://www.sindominio.net/karakola
> -- brutal expansion of constrained desires --

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