[Cm-crew] ispezioni armamenti USA

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Author: giovanni_pesce@libero.it
Date: 2002-11-27 15:10 -000
Subject: [Cm-crew] ispezioni armamenti USA
scusate lo spamming fuori tema o quasi, ma l'idea mi sembra geniale: una=0D=
=0Adelegazione indipendente negli USA con il compito di ispezionarne gli=0D=
SA=0D=0A=0D=0ANovember 21, 2002=0D=0A(Toronto) - A coalition of Canadian =
peace groups today announced their=0D=0Aintention=0D=0Ato send an interna=
tional team of volunteer weapons inspectors into the=0D=0AUnited=0D=0ASta=
tes later this winter. The coalition, Rooting Out Evil, are recruiting=0D=
=0Ainspectors through their newly launched website, www.rootingoutevil.or=
g.=0D=0A=0D=0A"Our action has been inspired by none other than George W. =
Bush," said=0D=0AChristy=0D=0AFerguson, a spokesperson for the group. "Th=
e Bush administration has=0D=0Arepeatedly=0D=0Adeclared that the most dan=
gerous rogue nations are those that:=0D=0A1) have massive stockpiles of =
chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons;=0D=0A2) ignore due process at=
the United Nations;=0D=0A3) refuse to sign and honour international tre=
aties; and=0D=0A4) have come to power through illegitimate means.=0D=0A=0D=
=0A"On the basis of President Bush's guidelines, it is clear that the=0D=0A=
current U.S.=0D=0Aadministration poses a great threat to global security,=
" said Ferguson.=0D=0A "We're=0D=0Afollowing Bush's lead and demanding t=
hat the U.S. grant our inspectors=0D=0Aimmediate=0D=0Aand unfettered acce=
ss to any site in the country - including all=0D=0Apresidential=0D=0Acomp=
ounds - so that we can identify the weapons of mass destruction in this=0D=
=0Arogue state," added David Langille.=0D=0A=0D=0AVisitors to Rooting Out=
Evil's website are invited to sign on as honorary=0D=0Amembers of the we=
apons inspection team. Honorary inspectors can=0D=0Aparticipate in=0D=0At=
he action, or they can simply lend the support of their name as they=0D=0A=
would on a=0D=0Apetition. The actual inspection team that crosses the bo=
rder will be=0D=0Acomprised=0D=0Aof prominent individuals from Canada and=
other countries.=0D=0A=0D=0AThe Rooting Out Evil coalition includes Gree=
npeace Canada, the Centre=0D=0Afor Social=0D=0AJustice, and the Toronto C=
ommittee Against War and Sanctions on Iraq, and is=0D=0Asupported by Amer=
ican groups such as the National Network to End the War=0D=0AAgainst=0D=0A=
Iraq, Global Exchange and the US section of the Women's International=0D=0A=
League for=0D=0APeace and Freedom. They oppose the development, storage,=
and use of=0D=0Aweapons of=0D=0Amass destruction by any state.=0D=0A=0D=0A=
For information: David Langille or Christy Ferguson at=0D=0Ainfo@rooting=